(0061) 480 050 227

It’s not actually About Us…

This is an inspiring statement, “it’s not what you did for me or what you said, it’s about how you made me feel”.

Watching a client respond as their new bike cover is fitted and listening to them say “oh wow, that’s amazing” or receiving an empowered handshake from a man expressing his gratitude because we took the lead and improved how his expensive e-bikes were loaded to his bike rack, are examples of how we measure the level of our customer’s wellbeing.

Finding solutions to problems, fixing things that clients didn’t know were wrong or dangerous, exceeding their service expectation, satisfying their wants and needs are just some of the ways we make you as a client feel special.

Even though we operate in a constant state of “white water”, working with people from all over the world, when we are with you, it is you we want to experience our passion, enthusiasm, and competence.

With thousands of OCD bike covers now on the road behind motorhomes, campervans, caravans and SUVs and an emerging market for external thermal and reflective windscreen covers, we thank our clients for their support, trust and acknowledgement of a mutually rewarding relationship with us.

I hope we can share this experience with you soon.

Peter Gates
Creative Director
OCD Global Limited

Get in touch with us today for more


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